I'm so worn out from moving, OMG!
We're in the new house, love it here but it doesn't feel like comfortable old comfy home yet yanno what I mean?.... i'm not relaxed, theres always another box to unpack or something.
hopefuly next week I'll get some free time to play with PSP i have new tubes and NEED to play!!
Oh yes, I said I had news...
well Aubrie, my youngest daughter graduated yesterday from AIT (which is her training right after basic training in the ARMY).... so she's coming home today, I haven't seen her since December 28th
Brad her boyfriend drove down from here in Indiana to pick her up..... and on their way home yesterday they Stopped in Gatlinburg TN and .............. Got MARRIED!!!
I knew about it before he had previously drove down on Easter and gave her a ring so this is what and when they decided to do it, I'm so happy She's happy!!
Congrats to the new Mr. and Mrs.
Close ya mouth Mea....... hehe.