I know i haven't been around much, haven't had time to play in my groups or even psp at all.
I've been unpacking and trying to get the house ready, we're having a get together/reception sunday afternoon here its prolly going to be about the only time this year all 3 of my kids will be home at the same time, Alex ( the Marine) has to go back to NC by tuesday... and Aubries (in the Army) home on leave till june 23rd then she has to report to Ft Drum in NY where she's going to be stationed at.
so i've been planning and cleaning and buying all the food and stuff trying to get ready for all of our family to come over on sunday.
Hopefully after that I will have time to play!!
I got the new tube Ismael Rac made exclusively for creative misfits Birthday, I can't wait to make a tag with it, it ROCKS!!!!...... plus i have loads of other tubes i haven't got to make tags with yet and i so want to get the new RAC tubes at AMI,, but I have to wait.
So hang in, more Templates will be coming, I'm sure of it!!
have a great weekend and I'll see ya back here next week!!
hugs, Beth